Keith Urban returns home for prostate cancer

Australian-born Keith Urban is a well-known musician. His marriage to Nicole Kidman, who is still his wife today, had a storybook beginning.

Kidman claimed in a 2007 interview with Vanity Fair that she was secretly engaged to another man at the time she first met Urban in 2005 at an event called “G-Day LA” that celebrates Australian successes. However, the couple got engaged barely three months after their chance meeting.

We fell in love right away, got engaged after three months, and got married quickly, but the actress later revealed that they didn’t actually get to know one another until their wedding.

“I think the time of a first meeting is crucial. I trust my instincts as well. From the minute I met him, I thought, “Ahhh OK, somehow I’ve met home.” He felt the same way. That was all we had, yet it was the foundation of all we did.

The couple had two lovely daughters. His father Robert, who passed away after a fight with prostate cancer, was among those who had a significant impact on Urban’s growth.

In 2018, Urban attended the It’s A Bloke Thing luncheon in Toowoomba in memory of his father and to spread awareness. The musician’s fans were concerned that he might be ill when paparazzi caught him on video at the Sydney airport and the pictures went viral.

But he was there to perform at a fundraiser for prostate cancer awareness.

Due to the tragic occurrence of several other family members, including his uncles, developing prostate cancer, Urban is particularly committed to raising awareness for the disease.

The record-breaking $2,024,000 in donations from the lunchtime benefit were made possible by Urban’s pledge to play for free.

This demonstrates that, in addition to being a highly brilliant musician, a loving spouse, and a wonderful parent, Keith Urban is a person with a golden heart.

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