In 1983, a baby boy weighing 7.2 Ibs was born. How does he live 39 years later

Since Kevin Robert Clark was the largest baby in the world at the time, weighing a whopping 7.2 Ibs, there was a lot of excitement in America when he was born in 1983.

Patricia Clark sensed during her pregnancy with Kevin that the baby might be on the larger side due to the history of large infants in their family. But she was still shocked at the size he actually turned out to be.

After taking Kevin home from the hospital, Patricia and her family discovered that he was too big for the normal cot and that all of his clothes were too tiny.

By the time he was twelve years old, Kevin weighed over 152 pounds and was already taller than most individuals. When he was a child, Kevin recalls how challenging it was to find clothing and footwear that suited him properly due to his rapid growth. It was difficult for him and his family to live with him because of his constant need for new clothes.

Everyone tried to get Kevin, the tallest man in the room, interested in sports, particularly basketball, but he showed absolutely no interest. Despite the pressure, Kevin did not perform well in any sports. But he did have a thing for hunting and fishing, which he really loved.

After serving in the American Air Force, Kevin is now a state police officer. He is currently 39 years old, over 2 lbs tall, and weighs 136 pounds. Despite his enormous stature, Kevin avoids the spotlight because he is constantly the subject of insults and derision. It is not advisable to make fun of his size because over time these comments have gotten on his nerves and have greatly irritated him.

Kevin has managed to lead a happy life despite the challenges his stature brought. He is happy because he has found love with his soul partner and a dog that brings him joy. Kevin skillfully responds to inquiries about his sport of choice by asking, “Do you play miniature golf?”

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